Our Commitment to the Environment

We strive to achieve these goals by:
- Designing and equipping our towboat and barges with features designed to protect the environment.
- Maintaining compliance with VGP, USCG and RCP requirements, and with AWO best practices.
- Providing rigorous employee training.
- Operating on all fronts with an environmentally conscious attitude.
- Maintaining compliance with VGP, USCG and RCP requirements by regularly attending industry seminars and training to stay current with regulations and best practices.
- Our compliance, operations and maintenance departments work together to achieve full compliance with regulations and best practices.
- We begin ingraining an environmentally conscious attitude at the green deckhand level for vessel crew and at hire for shore-side employees.
- Deckhands undergo classroom and fleet training that emphasizes the necessity to have zero spills and zero releases. They are also required to complete training on OPA 90 and zero-spill tolerance.
- All tankermen are required to complete at least six months of on-the-job training following tankerman school, as well as a full competency evaluation prior to joining their crew, and refresher courses throughout their career.
Our strong commitment to the environment is born out of our love for the outdoors and the land.
The only thing our tows leave in the stream is our wake!
Questions? Concerns? Ideas? We want to hear from you.